Closet Power Boater
You all know who I'm referring to...... Bobsprit. [aka Capt.Rob]
Let's look at the facts:
He requires vast amounts of electricity to power his many "conveniences"
He considers a vessel poorly equipped if it does not have Air Conditioning
He insists on "Home Theatre" and "Surround Sound" systems aboard.
He never describes the sailing gear on his boats... only engines &
He makes sailboat purchases based on interior volume and speed potential
He does not , nor has ever raced a sailboat despite the instance for speed.
He believes a swim platform in cold polluted water is a design improvement
He uses his engine 90% of the time and claims scheduling issues.
He has never had the nerve to fly his spinnaker.....
He desires sufficient batteries to run all his "conveniences" & lights all
He considers "Motorsailing" the same as sailing.
He is bitterly jealous of Doug's Trawler.
He thinks Mylar sails are better for cruising because they're faster.
He thinks Veneer is real wood.
He believes he needs an intercom... because the engine is always on.
He requires a genset as basic survival equipment aboard for day sails.
He considers the size of the head more important than the quality of the
He can't plot a simple course because he doesn't know how to navigate.
He thinks we don't know that Conmmode Joe is his sock puppet.
He doesn't realize My Nordica 30 is 10 times the boat his B 35s5 is.
Come on now Bobsprit... deep down you know you want a Nordhaven Trawler.
you know you are a Power Boater! Sailing just isn't for you. Make the wife
happy and buy a big frickin' duel diesel engine 46 footer with a genset.
Be Happy!.... Don't Worry!