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Capt. Rob
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Default Closet Power Boater

Wow, Mooron...that's a lot of work! I won't leave you hanging.

He makes sailboat purchases based on interior volume and speed

Well, of course. We like a fun fast boat and sleep aboard on the
weekends. Should we have sought out a slow cramped boat like yours?

He does not , nor has ever raced a sailboat despite the instance for

Well, of course I have raced, but what does racing have to do with
simply enjoying a good performance boat? Do you need to race to enjoy a
fast car? You clearly have issues.

He believes a swim platform in cold polluted water is a design

Well, let's assume the water is polluted...most is. And lets forget the
3 months of good swimming temps enjoyed here. The swim platform is
still a nice place to sit or use for the dinghy or mount a big TV

He uses his engine 90% of the time and claims scheduling issues.

Now this is just plain silly. We have rarely used the motor on any of
our boats. In fact no one else here has posted more pics of their boats
sailing than I.

He has never had the nerve to fly his spinnaker.....

I posted a pic of Alien with the chute up some time ago.

He desires sufficient batteries to run all his "conveniences" &
lights all

And so? Most boats can do that.

He never describes the sailing gear on his boats... only engines &

I guess you missed the posts on my superior steering system, rod
rigging and mylar sails!?

He thinks Mylar sails are better for cruising because they're

Didn't you just SAY I don't mention sailing gear?

He considers the size of the head more important than the quality of

Good rigging aint worth crap if you can't crap.

He can't plot a simple course because he doesn't know how to

I'm quite good when it comes to a simple course in fact.

He thinks we don't know that Conmmode Joe is his sock puppet.

Based on the computer skills shown in this group, you probably do
beleive that.

He doesn't realize My Nordica 30 is 10 times the boat his B 35s5 is.

I thought your boat was 1.01 times my boat until I read the Nordica 30
wsebsite. Now we all know it's even worse than Doug's Hunter 19.

35s5....don't ever say I'm not good to you!