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Default Wild salmon vs farmed

"Doug Kanter" wrote in message

"Gordon" wrote in message
Why is it a good thing to eat wild commercially caught salmon and a bad
thing to eat farmed salmon?
Here in Washington State, we spend millions to enhance streams, reverse
erosion, stop cows from peeing in creeks, etc to save dwindling stocks of
wild salmon and at the same time, conservationists tell us to eat wild
only! What the ^%$&?

One reason might be one which is supposedly being dealt with: Any time
animals are kept in more crowded conditions than is natural for them,
disease spreads more quickly. I've read that there were (may still be?)
issues with diseased fish escaping farm operations in large enough numbers
to have an adverse effect on local wild populations. Perhaps people are
thinking of this when they say "don't eat farm raised fish".

On the other hand, wild fish populations are dwindling, so for certain
species, it makes sense to leave them alone and eat the farm raised
version. You just can't win with this issue, ya know?

And while I'm at it, why do people go nuts when there is a minor sewage
spill yet the city of Victoria Canada can dump 34 million gallons of
untreated sewage per DAY into the Straits of Juan de Fuca with no adverse

Those filthy Canadians! I knew there was a reason they should be on our
list for invasion.

While we're pondering the unanswerable: When the batteries in the TV
remote are getting weak, why do we press harder on the buttons?

About a month ago (my timeline could be off bit) the news was reporting that
farm raised salmon were less healthy for humans than wild salmon; I don't
recall if it was a heart disease report, or something else.