Jack Erbes wrote:
I talked to the Raymarine service folks at U.S. toll free number on this
page http://tinyurl.com/cuyhk and they say that the scanner would have
to be sent in to a Raymarine service center to make it C120 compatible.
The work needed is to install a new IF board in the scanner and upgrade
the software. The full scanner is needed because the work requires a
level of calibration and testing that is only done at service centers.
You should be able to get that done by the service center in England if
there is not one nearer to you than that.
If you want to exchange emails with the U.S. service center about
getting the work there, send me a personal email at jacker at midmaine
dot com and I can give you an email address for a technician at the
Raymarine service center in New Hampshire. He can give you a cost
estimate for having the repairs done here in the U.S.
I did not attempt to discuss the "fairness" of your situation with him,
although you do have my sympathy on the problem here. If you purchased
the C120 through a Raymarine dealer and with assurances of
compatibility, I would have expected your dealer to have worked the
problem for you.
Thank you Jack! This is the first good news I receive: all the Raymarine
dealers I contacted up to now told me that buying a new scanner was the
only possibility.
I bought all Raymarine products through official dealers/retailers but,
in my presumption of understanding what I had read on the manuals - I
admit - I never asked for assurances of compatibility.
After what you say, I will get in touch with the headquarters of
Raymarine here in Italy (or in England) and see if we can arrange a
retrofit for a price lower than that of a new unit.
The cost estimate for the repairs in the U.S. could be a useful
comparison but sending the system there would not be very convenient I
guess :-)
Thank you again, I appreciate your help