I jus dunno der Gaynzy... you seem to be replying to posts I make whenever
your name is mentioned..... and then accuse me of "stalking"... you'd think
after a year of berating ... you'd find out how to use a KF.
I think you're infatuated with me.
Then again... you're as queer as a 3 dollar bill.
"Capt. JG" wrote in message
What's wrong Mooron? Are you totally unable to give up anger? This is
really quite a pathetic display. You seem obsessed with me. Do you think
that stalking me from thread to thread is really a healthy thing to do?
You might want to consider professional help with this anger issue. And, I
really do feel sorry for you!
"j" ganz @@
"Capt.Mooron" wrote in message
"Capt. JG" wrote in message
Katy, this Rob is a sockpuppet .. if you didn't realize it.
Is it???? WOW.... you Gay guys are so-o-o-o... perceptive?