Raymarine self compatibility
On 2006-01-20 14:46:28 +1100, Larry said:
Daniel, if your scanner has a round dome, take the dome off and inspect
it. We're on our 3rd...or is it 4th, I forget....
The water vapor the stupid dome breathes in when the sun goes down
makes it rain inside the dome by morning, a cycle that keeps repeating,
filling the dome with condensate that doesn't drain. The inside parts
of the 2KW dome are made of some cheap zinc potmetal that turns to
powder and has electrolysis with the other, more noble metals like the
rusty magnetron and waveguide parts. The white powder is all over the
INSIDE of the receiver/transmitter compartments in the unsealed zinc
box, so its all over the boards and the unit eventually dies, consuming
I've looked at several other Raymarine radomes on other boats all
wondering why range keeps getting shorter. Same thing on all boats.
Poorly designed, cheap parts that don't belong at sea.
You probably are way overdue for a new crappy Raymarine scanner,
Daniel wrote in news:5iNzf.135663$65.3824465
Five years ago I bought a radar Raymarine SL72 (Pathfinder Plus). Last
year, as I wanted to have an integrated system, I bought a C120 display
sure that the SL72 scanner would fit the display. Wrong! After several
attempts and inquiries I discovered that my scanner was built 6 (six)
months before Raymarine started making units compatible with the C
series displays (June 2002 vs Dec 2002).
Do you think that this is fair? Does anybody know whether Raymarine
helps to solve unfortunate cases like mine?
I'd like to add something mo before buying the C120 I checked some
Raymarine docs and found that the new display would have been
with all scanner with a P.N. newer than a certain number. My scanner
had indeed a P.N. GREATER than that and this is why I decided the buy,
but... BUT I later realized that Raymarine is one of the few company in
the world (as far as I know) that DOES NOT use an incremental P.N. but
quite odd system. Greater P.N. does not mean newer!
Advice is kindly requested and welcome
Here we go again, Larry's favourite hobby horse!
On the issue of your scanner compatibility:
1. The C User's manual has information regarding serial numbers which
are compatible, non-compatible or need upodates.
2. The C user's manual is available online from the Raymarine web site.
3. What ever happened to caveat emptor?
If you verified compatibility with a Raymarine dealer and he said it
was ok then you have a grievance with that dealer. Otherwise I'm sorry
but the information was available for making a correct decision. You
must therefore accept responsibility for your dilemma.
If we want compatibility for everything that has been manufactured in
the past boy we will not progress too fast. BTW Furuno has the same
probnlem with older scanners not working with their new NavNet
dispalays as well so Raymarine is not alone.
From someone who sells and installs this stuff.
John D Proctor