Shortwave Sportfishing wrote:
On 19 Jan 2006 19:58:22 -0800, wrote:
OK, I'm familiar with twins, and their oposite rotating props for
steering. But I've seen craft with three and even 5 outboards.
for simplicity sake if looking fromt he stern, the starboard engine
props to the right, and the port engine counter-rotates tot he left,
then which way is th center engine (or engines)
just curious.
usually right hand, but they can be left hand.
ok, now i have a question. first, a friend re-powered his 18-ft center
console boat with 'a deal' on a yamaha 150, counter-rotating engine.
appraently, as i wass told, someone else had ordered the twins for
something, then never picked then up. oh well, not my boat, not my problem.
what i have noticed now is that his boat is way "squirrely" at ilde and
slow speeds. my guess is maybe something is built into the boat design
to account for a normal right turning prop, and now with a single left
turning one, the boat attitude is a bit out of whack.
it is also a bigger engine (150 vs. 115) from what was there originally
and i think that may have something to do with the new attitude. the
boat is rated for a 150 max, so i would say he is not over-powered.