Copying computer CD Charts into a chartplotter
Patrick Harman wrote:
With NOAA giving away "Official" official charts for free and
updating them regularly, it would seem that there is a business
opportunity for someone to build a chart plotter that the end user
could use the NOAA charts with.
The current manufactures have no interest in this as they all either
produce or have exclusive relations with electronic chat makers. I
currently use both a chart plotter and my laptop with navigation
software that can use both the raster and vector NOAA charts.
If it existed I would purchase a chart plotter that could use the NOAA
charts. I believe the dedicated chart plotter is more reliable, more
rugged, and probably more water proof than my laptop.
Bottom line I feel that the time has come for a chart plotter that
could use NOAA charts is here. I am willing to beta test such a unit
for anyone already working this problem. E-mail me individually for
my electronic, cartographic, and navigation experience. I am retired
and have the time to donate to this endeavor
Pat Harman
Don't imagine any of the current manufacturers of chart plotters would be
interested since it's the software where they make their money.