OT You were right Harry!
On Sat, 21 Jan 2006 23:51:27 GMT, Shortwave Sportfishing
On Sat, 21 Jan 2006 18:26:47 -0500, JohnH wrote:
On Sat, 21 Jan 2006 23:10:53 GMT, Shortwave Sportfishing
On Sat, 21 Jan 2006 17:45:50 -0500, JohnH wrote:
On Sat, 21 Jan 2006 22:36:56 GMT, Shortwave Sportfishing
On Sat, 21 Jan 2006 15:33:26 -0500, JohnH wrote:
If you can't tell the difference in a comparison like this, then you *do*
have an eyeball problem. Does everything appear a little fuzzy and soft
around the edges?
not at all. although i wonder....
im going to experiment with something today - youve given me an idea.
Like Eisboch, I'll be looking forward to a 'holy ****' post later today.
Did you get a digital box from the cable company so you can receive HD?
turns out you have to additionally subscribe to hd - which turns out
we never did - apparently its not automatic.
no holy **** post though - im not all that impressed.
maybe its because im not much of a tv watcher.
my wife likes it though.
I think we pay about $5 a month extra for the digital service, plus another
$2 for the digital box. Now my wife wants TIVO, which she thinks Cox is
offering, at some ridiculous price, of course.
You'll love it once you get it. You won't love the bill, but hey, that's
life in the fast lane. Right now Cox is costing me $106 every month.
as i said, the wife likes it. im not much for tv anyway except for
news and i dont need to watch that in hd.
im just not impressed with it - its nice and the picture - now - is
crisp, clear and fairly decent, but i just dont get the wow factor.
its just me.
Wait a minute, if you haven't seen it yet, how do you know you're not
impressed with it?
its called customer service - you call up, they initiate the little hd
box - presto - you have hd service.
we never actually signed up for the service - just had the box
OK. Now I understand. You wouldn't be impressed if you had an IMAX in your
basement, would you?
: )
John H
******Have a spectacular day!******