NG Challenge
Skipper wrote:
Harry Krause wrote:
Seriously. If I want to go to Alaska, I'm going there on a commercial
jet. If I want to go boating or fishing while I am there, the old
plastic fantastic in my wallet gets me whatever I want. I enjoy the
destinations, not the trials or tribulations of getting there.
Nothing is as mindless and boring as days at sea.
I couldn't disagree more. A good interesting passage can be the
highlight of the trip. You'll see and experience things those flying 5
miles above will never know.
Those that have never had a boat of their own always make excuses about
why they can't have & certainly those that have never been offshore can
never appreciate the experience.
The usual defense is that they're so clever they don't "want" a boat nor
need the ability to take one somewhere worth while.
It can be scary, wet, cold & plain bloody hard work at times but those
that do it keep coming back for more.
In my younger days I crewed/partnered on many cruising yachts & they
were the best days of a life for me. There were times when I would have
given literally anything to be off the boat "now", other times when
rolling along under a clear starlit night sky, or standing in the
cockpit clapping & cheering as the dolphins do tricks within feet, you
truly feel alive.
Some passages when weather of other all manner of things go wrong you
swear to yourself you'll never ever do it again but ............. within
hours of getting into port you're itching to set off again.
Probably doesn't apply to you Skip but I describe it as like
childbirth:-) it's just astounding how quickly your mind can erase the
bad things if the outcome is overwhelmingly good.
Whatever Skip use a well found sail boat not overly large (35' is
plenty), if it's a slow old girl just take more suppliers, the adventure
will last longer & believe it or not, before you set off you'll be
nervous even scared but that quickly passes till the boat becomes your
complete safe world & as you approach landfall the exact same fears
return at the thought of the trip ending & going ashore.
Don't drive for a couple of days you get attuned to 6kts & it's much
more dangerous than anything on the voyage:-)