Mercruiser i/o will not go into neutral
sorry guys..down with a cold for a few days. Thanks for all the
I have no physical difficulty putting it in and out of gear, the
process is actually quite smooth. Occasionally, I do hear the shift
interupter cut the engine for 1/2 second when I take it out of gear.
The engine speed is idled correctly in my neutral-on land
it usually tach's at 1200-1500 rpm
Also, when on land and I put it in fwd, I hear gear grinding for 1/2
sec...kinda like I power shifted a car without pushing in the clutch.
I just bought the boat used about 2 months ago and the guy I bought it
from had used it in salt water.
I do not have the manual nor have I ever worked on a boat so have no
idea where the interupter...I guess I get to learn the old fashion looking for it. anyone have any schematics they can throw my
Trying to prevent from going to a merc dealer....or should i just bite
the bullet?
ps - it is a carb engine
Thank you all again