Lighten up folks: A Revisit of the *Challenge*
The *Challenge*: Perhaps it is time to revisit this issue since the
original *Challenge* a month or so ago.
I am not disputing the validity of that original challenge but I do have
some comments and suggestions.
Since that *Challenge* this NG is dripping wet with tensions because of the
various mandates placed on it and the participation has actually *decreased*
as a result of it.
I am not suggesting that the *Challenge* was wrong but that we need to
perhaps revisit the restrictions it called for as it is obvious it has not
worked, including the netcopping of those mandates. I suggest that this
new and improved atmosphere has made the NG stale and perhaps even more
1. Stop all netcopping Ignore those who don't abide by the *rules* here
(most important!)
2. Allow any sort of topic to be posted but make sure it is marked as OT
Then refer back to #1.
3. Stop the personal attacks and insults.
4. Stop the flaming.
5. Stop the trolling for heated arguments.
6. Ignore those who do not abide by these rules.
Do those things and we are fine. Keep on as we are and we are nothing
better than what we were.