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Jack Redington
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Default Lighten up folks: A Revisit of the *Challenge*

JimH wrote:

The *Challenge*: Perhaps it is time to revisit this issue since the
original *Challenge* a month or so ago.

I am not disputing the validity of that original challenge but I do have
some comments and suggestions.

Since that *Challenge* this NG is dripping wet with tensions because of the
various mandates placed on it and the participation has actually *decreased*
as a result of it.

Yes, "participation" is down and thank heavens for small favors. There
are entire threads missing. In fact, there are entire categories of
threads missing. Gone are the conservative cut 'n pastes, the liberal
cut 'n pastes, the duelling presidential popularity polls, the f'd up
debates about the "heroic liberation" or "political colonization" of
Iraq (take your pick). Gone are the "Harry Krause is a ________"
threads. Gone are the "Liberals are destroying the Christian religion"
threads. Missing from most posts of all types are the vicious name
calling and the endless Jr. High School "neener/neener's". Certain
posters, with little or nothing to contribute to discussions about
boating, are indeed missing in action. Too darn bad- they can take the
naming and flaming somewhere else as it should be a reasonable
expectation (when one visits a NG titled "") that most of the
discussion should center around boating.

But check this out, please, Jim. Discussion of boating topics is way
*up* from what it has been.

Yep - The atmosphere is getting to be like..... aahhhhh... Well..... A
Boating news group!!! :-)

Where people can be grown up and use it as it was intended to be. I am
glad to see the pollution go down in this group.

If someone wants to go to all the back biting political bs why no go to
where there are other like minded folks and have at it. I am sure it
would not be hard to find.


Capt Jack R..