Man dies in capsizing
"Capt. JG" wrote in news:11tqb777e8mft28
you have no clue
Try this and see how you come out.....
Take out your usual crew of people, some partially sailors, some not, don't
do anything special or try to add qualified members to your little
Take her out in the harbor to a big open area with few boats you might
Jump overboard from your lofty helm perch and start frantically screaming
and waving your arms in distress. Click the stopwatch on your diver's
Rolex Oyster to time this event.
Watch the reaction from back aboard by your crack crew of wife, kids,
friends, business associates and those still drinking your beer.
How long was it before they got her turned around and came effortlessly
alongside your position to retrieve you, using the finest navigation and
methods of retrieval?
Look up and down your dock. How many wives and teenagers are qualified
sailors and helmsmen on all those other dock condos on your particular
dock. How many wives have NEVER handled the boat by themselves?
See why it took so long?