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Default Bush to build Concentration Camps, Cheney to Profit!

Thom Stewart wrote:
The British had Con. Camp to keep the Jews of Europe from going to
Palistine. They weren't very nice either.

The British may or may not have invented the concentration
camp, but they invented the term. In the Boer War
(1899-1902) in what is now South Africa, the descendants of
Dutch settlers were widely disperesed through the country
and very effective guerrillas. So the British Army passed
out orders to gather them up and "concentrate" them, meaning
basically to keep as many of them as possible gathered in
small areas where they could be kept from becoming or
supporting guerrillas. The orders were vague on how they
should be treated, it's likley that the British did not have
bad intentions but due to lack of instruction the minimum
was done to feed & shelter them, much less take sanitary
measures... with predictable results.

They also invented the blitzkrieg.

Capt. JG wrote:
I used to be amazed at the cruelty one person is willing to inflict upon
another. I'm not any more.

Don't listen to Elvis much, do ya?