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Default Ah, memories........

"Capt. Rob" wrote
While many of the folks here talk a good game, few do much more than
get out every other weekend and that's at best.

This is true for me. Other activities interfere. I also enjoy trips on one of
my motorcycles and have crossed the country on one a dozen times. Or sometimes
we take the jeep or motorhome. A weekend on the Blue Ridge Pkwy is a nice
alternative to sailing every Saturday. Go on a starlight night, turn off your
lights and it's like star trek. Or, in my dotage, I may just enjoy my own yard.
Our 2 acres adjoin 100s of acres of woods. Foxes, chucks, even a bear .... yes
snake too. Makes it hard to get the boat out more ......

.... we sail 3-4 times a week, and more when we can arrange long weekends.

Gawd, I would too if I had to live in/near NYC! If I had to drive to Boston I'd
go via Minneapolis and Canada just to avoid getting near the place. Why not
look around yourself?? I looked up New Bern NC awhile back on and
saw some nice homes for well under $100K - some under 50k. Doug could prolly
tell you what to watch (out) for - then you could sail even more often.