35HP Mecury O/B wont start.
I have a 1964 35HP Mecury O/B that wont start. Two days ago it was
runnig fairly well. yesterday it was difficult to start and would not
run smooth or stafy running. After some investigation I found that
there was a spark only on one of the two cylinders. I remove the
flywheen, and cleand and filed the points. After reassembly there is a
good sprak on both. Now I can't start the enging anymore, there is fules
going into the cylindars, and it has good spark and good compression
The flywheel has a center hub thingy, and the part with the magnets, we
took thos apart so we could get a good puller on to pop it lose. I
didn;t see any markings showing how it was supposed to line back up, so
I assumed it doesn't matter. Could this be the reason it won't start?
If so how can I get it aligned correctly again?