Thread: Boatin Flicks
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Default Boatin Flicks

On Mon, 30 Jan 2006 14:17:04 -0500, Ed wrote:

"Into the Blue" just earned it's place next to Captn Ron and Pirates for
movies that STAY on my boat.

Capt Ron is by far the #1 all time boating movie. We watch that on EVERY
trip to the islands. It never gets old.

10% boating 90% golfing you can't beat CADDIE SHACK. (Filmed in FLL)

LEAVE CABIN BOY At the dock (or in the trash)

Another good one but not funny at all (AND IT IS TRUE) "And the Sea
will tell"

Another ocean related movie is Blue Crush... can't beat the scenery.

Dene wrote:
Watched Captain Ron last night, for the first time. Thoroughly enjoyed it.
That got me to thinking about movies and boats. I could only think of one
other....Dead Calm.....another good one.

Betcha there are more. Help me. Sure passes the time while the rain falls.


Have you (or anyone else) seen "Big Blue"?

There's also "Captain Blood" -

And "Lightship"

Now, how about spelling out the whole title of your Captn Ron and the
Pirates movie. I couldn't find it.
'Til next time,

John H

***** Have a Spectacular Day! *****