Floriduh Fished Out
Harry Krause wrote:
I have no illusion about stopping his anti-Semitic remarks, and they
don't get a rise out of me. My purpose is to point out that he is a
slime. What anyone does with such information is up to them.
Perhaps you are satisfied drifting through life ignoring that kind of
behavior. So were the "good German people."
I ignore what is an obvious troll, because to respond to them encourages
more of the same and does nothing to change anyones opinion. The person
who posts racist or anti-semitic threads, want you to respond, they want
you to perpetuate the thread. It is the reason many trolls will be
cross posted. If you check you will see most of the trolls mention
ni**ers, sp*kes, sp**ks, k*kes, fa**ots, w*ps or any other group they
can think of.
If you prefer to respond and show your disgust with that kind of
behavior feel free, this is a non moderated NG. Also know that that is
exactly what they want, and your response will be responsible for
numerous other posts of the same kind.
This is not my opinion, it is the opinion of 100% of the UseNet Experts.
You will not be able to find 1 UseNet Expert who would recommend
responding to an obvious troll.
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That's my story and I am sticking to it.
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