jchaplain wrote in message . ..
- Is there anyhting else that I should do to this motor before I run
the boat? (aside from new spark plugs maybe) ?
I dont have much experience with boats and boat motors .. so I am a
little helpless right now...
Any advice is appreciated 
I'm not an outboard mechanic careerwise, although I have worked on
many outboards and know a lot about how they work.
I'm not familiar with this particular engine, but I think your
mechanic is way out of line.
If the motor runs well, what's the problem? Run it till it has
problems, then consider the vaule of getting it fixed or not at that
I thought too , but then , who wants to sit somewhere in the water
with a dead motor ... Maybe getting a 9.9 kicker would be a good idea
Check the condition of the wiring and fuel lines and replace fuel
lines that need it , wrap electrical lines that appear to be getting
insulation problems with electrical tape, and use it!
yes first thing that disintegrated was the fuel line ... I didnt run
it from its own tank ... want to check it for rust and dirt first
BUT- be sure to replace the impellor before using it or you'll
probably burn it right out. Impellor replacement is a pretty easy job
you may be able to do yourself if you have much mechanical skill, if
not, take it to ANOTHER mechanic. You don't want a mechanic with a
****y attitude toward your motor working on it. I would highly
reccomend another mechanic anyway.
Gotta find one of these impellers ....
