Thread: Smokey 2-stroke
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Default Smokey 2-stroke

Lloyd Sumpter wrote:
(Geez, another boating-related topic! I gotta stop...)

My 1989 Johnson 15hp smokes a lot. It uses so little fuel that I've
forgotten when I fueled up, but I always put in 50:1. Is there other
reasons apart from too much oil in the gas which would make a 2-stroke
smoke? Is there a way to find out what the ratio IS (I might have
mis-calculated)? I want to sell the engine, and it's a Hard Sell when you
can't see the engine for smoke (Koff! Koff!)

It runs fine apart from the smoke.

Lloyd Sumpter
"The Tin Boat" Mirrocraft 12


That engine is to be mixed at 50:1, or a pint to the 6 Gallon factory
tank topped off (they hold about 6.2 gallons).

Oil seldom "settles out" of a fuel mixture, they mix well, and boat
motion keeps fuel mixed well too.

Long idling or slow operation will cause the crankcase to load up on
some engines, and they always clear with some high-speed operation.

An interested/knowledgeable buyer will not be discouraged by this
operation, but may try to use it as leverage in bargaining - this is
where you come in as the knowledgeable seller... Good Luck!
