Shortwave Sportfishing wrote:
On 1 Feb 2006 19:24:36 -0800, wrote:
Shortwave Sportfishing wrote:
On 1 Feb 2006 17:55:18 -0800, wrote:
~~ snip ~~
really? and you base this one what?
Thats the way BRP shaped the pistons to help distribute the fuel around
the sparkplug in lean burn. As why it is not so efficient at higher
rpms ... Any book about combustion engine design will tel
bull****. i average a little around 8 to 11 gph at cruise which is 35
mph. thats a damn sight better than any four stroke or two cycle on
the market today.
I will yet have to see any data that would show the ETec uses less fuel
at cruise at the same speed as an Optimax or modern 4 stroke ... If
you have any data, let me know.
Until then, lets both stick to our opinion .. No hard feelings.
Dont get me wrong .. I think the ETecs are great motors and I am close
to getting one ... but its just that from the data I have seen, their
fuel efficieny is just not better as 4stroke or Optimax.
and who the hell cruises at wot?
Nobody ... what makes you think that?