"Mainshipman" wrote:
I'm curious to hear stories about how folks knocked down the price on
their new boat, particularly anything creative or innovative (buying
used or stripping off options doesn't count). Anyone find any good
sources of information or do anything clever? Thanks.
New as in new, or new as in new-to-you?
We've never bought a new boat, and don't want to. We were at the boat
show in Annapolis a couple of years ago and a small man went up on the
cabin tip of a new sailboat that was for sale there. I could see the
cabin top flex under him. And he was a SMALL man, not tall and not
When we've bought used boats (which I think counts) we didn't do
anything clever. We knew what we could spend, we knew what we wanted
and we knew what was a reasonable price for what we wanted. So when
we found something that was pretty close, we offered a price lower
than the asking price, but not so low as to be insulting, and after a
couple of times back and forth, the offer was accepted and we bought
the boat after a survey.
grandma Rosalie
S/V RosalieAnn, Leonardtown, MD
CSY 44 WO #156