35HP Mecury O/B wont start.
Hi Dan,
I think you need to find a good outboard mechanic that has grey hair and
will work on older Mercury motors.
I was told by a local boat shop (that does have a long standing 40+ year
reputation for fixing motors right) that they will not work on Mercurys over
20 years old. They are swamped with service and these old motors are just a
liability for them. If they even touch those old motors then the customer
wants them to stand behind their work. It is just smarter to stay away from
trouble in the real world. They said they are not even able to get parts for
these motors either.
Your is 40 years old???
Smithsonian Maritime Museum?
Bill Kiene
"Dan" wrote in message news:4bK9c.38127$QO2.34050@pd7tw1no...
I have a 1964 35HP Mecury O/B that wont start. Two days ago it was
runnig fairly well. yesterday it was difficult to start and would not
run smooth or stafy running. After some investigation I found that
there was a spark only on one of the two cylinders. I remove the
flywheen, and cleand and filed the points. After reassembly there is a
good sprak on both. Now I can't start the enging anymore, there is fules
going into the cylindars, and it has good spark and good compression
The flywheel has a center hub thingy, and the part with the magnets, we
took thos apart so we could get a good puller on to pop it lose. I
didn;t see any markings showing how it was supposed to line back up, so
I assumed it doesn't matter. Could this be the reason it won't start?
If so how can I get it aligned correctly again?