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K. Smith
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Default E-Tec buyers must think everyone is as silly as they are.

bull****. i average a little around 8 to 11 gph at cruise which is 35
mph. thats a damn sight better than any four stroke or two cycle on
the market today.

and who the hell cruises at wot?

This is a crazy claim if it's related to the E-Tecs as was being
discussed. Are we actually talking about his claimed contender here???
surely not??? But it's his claim so he can clarify it & I guess
deception & confusion is the stock & trade of an E-Tec spruiker:-

i can tell you that i get the exact same gph rate with the contender
fisharound (31 foot long) that is 7,000 pounds heavier than its
predecessor. a contender 31 cc. the cc had 225 fichts, the fisharound
has 225 etecs.

It seems he now Krause like talks about the boat in terms of him & his
"partner" which is Krause code for it's a charter boat he pays money to
go out on:-), or is he just desperate not to be seen as an simpleton???
For now I'd suggest he's just your standard garden variety boring
simpleton, because to file him with Krause is a pretty serious prior to
assign anyone.

as per

interesting - it certainly isnt what i see with mine - we, my partner
and i, saved over 34% fuel based against the previous years fichts.

where did you get the performance data from?

Ah Ha I guess if it gets exactly the same gph then they must just be
doing less hours or what?? going slower??? either way the 34% claim is
well out of order on his own posts. It's good to see him reach for the
standard Dealer ploy of demanding "proof" or gee what will you do Tom???
Hold your breath till you go blue??? Please do, we'll let you know when
to stop:-) & yes do hold your breath waiting:-)

Of course the rejoinder was that he should offer proof of his fuel
savings claims about the "partner's" boat, that's when he trots out this
OJ defense damn it's got everything except the gloves:-)

what kind of - data - are you looking for? compared to what other
boats use for fuel in my marina, similar boats - regulators, bluefins,
and one contender with twin hpdi yamahas - compared to mine with
optimaxes, i use less fuel by at least 30% - in fact, one guy is
selling his optimaxes with less than 400 hours on them to get etecs.

and who the hell cruises at wot?

But lets just look at the claim for a minute after all this is a real
boating group & we need to sort these BS'ting contender pretenders as
quickly as possible; yes???

So what we seem to now know, but Tom can correct if he wants & if he was
deliberately fudging trying to deceive which boat his claim relates to
then he can,

(i) The contender is a "partner" boat??? which is 7000lbs heavier than
before??? Wow what ballast or 2 spare E-tecs to get home on:-) We have
to be talking about a boat that is say 8-9000lbs (it's 5000lbs as a bare
hull no engines no nothin') then he says add 7000?? Um OK if you insist
say 15000lbs:-)

(ii) The claim is 11gph @ 35 mph (I'm disregarding the 8gph claim
because I assume he gets that when he's going over a waterfall at 35
mph) Oh yes & I'm assuming they're US gals you know the 3.79 ltr versions??

May I now review.

Using any of the standard calculations (I like Crouch's but cross
checked with Keith's) that 31ft boat would require agg. around 300HP at
the prop(s)!!! to maintain 35 mph (I was generous & used a modest
8000lbs as the base but it shoots up to 450HP @ 12000lbs).

Now stop & see what he's claimed in a desperate attempt to support
E-Tecs; he's claimed he can "cruise" at 35mph on 11gph!!!!! To make
300HP all 2 strokes including the DFIs will be needing 30 gph, (15gph X
2) but lets not argue about the detail, his claim has to be just a sad
simpleton's lash when cornered. We are talking the difference between
his upper claim of 11 gph & the reality of 30 gph or look at it another
way, who amongst us real boaters knows of a 31ftr doing 35 mph & getting
well over 3 MPG??? I mean this even rivals Chucky's famous claim of
getting 3 MPG at only 16 knts from a high tech turbo diesel!!!!

I never ends I thought Tom had reached his best the other day when he
recommended a bloke use a good primer before applying gel coat:-) But 11
USGPH @ 35 MPH on a 31ft boat this takes the cake, stunning almost
Krause like.