funny - kinda - story...
Shortwave Sportfishing wrote:
my wife and i took in a little girl, age 10, out of a broken home for
a long term placement in the middle of december. shes a great kid and
has been a dream, but she is very reticent of the dogs - in particular
my youngest boys dog skippy who is a pit bull/whippet cross - we are
dog sitting while hes in training. skippy has a lot of energy and i
can understand how she wouldnt immediately take to him.
this morning when i got up to take the dogs out for exercise and a
little training i couldnt find skippy.
finally, i let the other two out and opened up the door to her room to
get her up to start getting ready for school and much to my total, but
very happy surprise, there was skippy curled up right next to her on
the bed - happy as a clam.
i got her up, she gave skippy a big hug and asked if skippy could stay
with her at night.
no problem sweetie. :)
You're braver than I am leaving a pit bull dog alone in a room with a
child. Why not get her an English Springer Spaniel or similar dog.