funny - kinda - story...
"Shortwave Sportfishing" wrote in message
On Tue, 7 Feb 2006 15:01:00 -0500, " JimH" jimh_osudad@yahooDOT
comREMOVETHIS wrote:
"Shortwave Sportfishing" wrote in message
. ..
On Tue, 07 Feb 2006 10:47:24 -0500, Reggie Smithers
Shortwave Sportfishing wrote:
my wife and i took in a little girl, age 10, out of a broken home for
a long term placement in the middle of december. shes a great kid and
has been a dream, but she is very reticent of the dogs - in particular
my youngest boys dog skippy who is a pit bull/whippet cross - we are
dog sitting while hes in training. skippy has a lot of energy and i
can understand how she wouldnt immediately take to him.
this morning when i got up to take the dogs out for exercise and a
little training i couldnt find skippy.
finally, i let the other two out and opened up the door to her room to
get her up to start getting ready for school and much to my total, but
very happy surprise, there was skippy curled up right next to her on
the bed - happy as a clam.
i got her up, she gave skippy a big hug and asked if skippy could stay
with her at night.
no problem sweetie. :)
I know everyone who owns a Pit Bull talks about what a sweetheart the
dog is. The problem is most of the Pit Bulls who attack people are
called sweethearts.
Since they are genetically encoded to be aggressive fight dogs, I would
be very leery of allowing the dog to play with a child.
what part of the pit bull/whippet cross didn't you understand?
this dog has been vetted by me - and im one of the best at it.
Even a dog with part pit bull mix is potentially dangerous. You read of
attacks on owners of these dogs (including mix breeds) being attacked and
seriously injured, never thinking their dogs would turn on them.
My brother in laws brother was attacked by his own Chow, tearing part of
lower lip completely off when he walked in front of the dog while it was
sleeping. I offer this only to show that any dog can potentially turn on
its owner, with the probability increasing with breeds known to be
You cannot dispute the facts Tom.
no offense jim, but you dont have all the facts of the case and, in
truth, you are totally and completely wrong.
not everyone has the experience and skills i have earned and learned
over 50 years of learning about dogs, handling dogs of all sorts
including war dogs, training dogs and vetting dogs for various jobs
like guard, protection and potential placement for rescue
organizations. i started with german shepards when i was ten years
old and have progressed through a number of breeds and a lot of
owners. I learned from the masters including my uncle who was a noted
dog trainer and have taken any number of classes including the us air
force training school.
im very good at what i do - i have had dogs put down for potential
agrressive behaviors - if there is a potential, i can find it.
its one of the things that i am an expert at and am very proud of it.
im not afraid of dogs - any dog - and can handle any situation with
skills that are the equal of any - dog whisperer - out there today.
dont presume that i dont know what im doing - in particular in this
area. i may not know everything about boats or psychology or
mechanical things, but i do know this - cold.
I defer to your expertise. Sorry if it sounded like I doubted it.