and he was well vetted by me - im very good at this having done it for
most of my life.
Don White wrote:
You may be right... but it seems that everytime a pit bull...or pit bull
mix breed attacks up[ here, the owners always swear upside down about
what a sweet/obedient/loving/trustful etc etc pet it was and they don't
understand how the kid/woman got all chewed up.
True, just like all the cases where a gun "accidentally"
goes off and kills somebody, the owner fo the gun insists
that it is 'always' kept locked up & unloaded etc etc.
The truth is that very few people spend much time with their
dogs these days, training a dog even to half-assed standard
of socialization & behavior is unusual. Go to any suburban
dog park & observe.
The flip side of the equation is that our society seems to
encourage people to stand up for imaginary rights, such as
the right of a person who is neurotically afraid of dogs to
never ever ever see or hear a dog no matter where they go.
Before too much longer, guns & dogs & cigarettes will be