Bush to build Concentration Camps, Cheney to Profit!
"Vito" wrote in message
"Capt. JG" wrote .
Which silly efforts are those? Being aware of those around you? Being
that words can be like daggers? Being aware that it's a slippery slope
between what a few people start out saying and things like what happened
the early part of the previous century?
On the contrary, your protestations over words tell me you have never been
exposed to real threats, let alone daggers, and have to invent imagined
ones out
of "words" to boost your immature ego.
It's obvious that Ganz is a pasty faced, effeminate, cream puff with no
experience at all regarding masculine pursuits.... he's probably
intimidated by males in general and only feels safe when in the presence of
mature women. This is why Jon is so fricken whiny. It also explains why he
only feels secure engaging in diatribe with real males on NGs... yet is
incapable of venturing beyond mamby pamby insults you'd expect from a 12
year old. Ganz is a feeble coward and a Momma's boy..... a scrawny, 98lb
weakling with no redeeming qualities. He's the school yard tattle tale and
accustomed to being despised by other males. He has no masculine traits,
ethics or morals.... and absolutely no sense of honour or duty.
In a group of males... he would be forced to assume the subordinate
position. I think he's comfortable with that... which makes it all that much
more deplorable.
This is what makes Ganz so GAY!!!