funny - kinda - story...
On Tue, 07 Feb 2006 18:45:36 -0500, Harry Krause
Doug Kanter wrote:
"Harry Krause" wrote in message
Wayne.B wrote:
On Tue, 07 Feb 2006 21:34:16 GMT, Shortwave Sportfishing
the funny ears is skippy de dog, a pit bull/whippet cross
who is also very smart and a sweet heart.
I'll be darned. Which was the mother?
I have a friend who obtained a pit bull pup a few years ago. He raised the
dog properly, as a house pet, and the dog is a joy. He's fun to "rassle"
with, and never bites. I "met" another pit bull pup a few years ago, and
babysat him for a couple of hours. He was just fine, too.
I'd love to have a pet panther, though. A black one. Good golly, they are
A friend of my son's has one, too. I won't go to the house without my little
friend, with a round in the chamber, but my son says the dog likes to pick
up the cat and put it on the couch for reasons nobody can figure out. It's a
male dog, but it picks up the cat like it was the cat's mommy. The cat
apparently can't figure it out, either, but it puts up with the strangeness.
I don't know why, but *all* dogs like me. I've never met a dog who
didn't come over for a sniff and a nuzzle, and that includes dogs who
are being walked down the road, leader dogs (who should know better),
and dogs in the vet's waiting room. With all our cats, you'd think my
permanent "cat person" smell would make them nervous, but, no.
Maybe it is because I am not afraid of animals. I am leery, though, of
the feral dogs out in the Shenandoah.
We have a close friend from Kenya who is here in the states studying for
her doctorate. We're planning to head over there for a long visit this
year or next, and a promised "real" safari (camera safari, of hunting in Kenya). I hope we run into about a kazillion
Could your friend in Kenya put us in touch with some honest folk in
Nigeria? Bassie and I have a lot of money coming in that we need to hide in
a friendly, honest, quiet, place.
'Til next time,
John H
***** Have a Spectacular Day! *****