Victron Energy Powerman Transfer switch
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Dennis Pogson
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Victron Energy Powerman Transfer switch
Been looking at using the Powerman Series 0 transfer device. I've
looked at the wiring diagram at
and been trying to get my head around the logic. The Powerman
indicates that the transfer to gen set is approx 1 minute after
starting - which is exactly what I am after. However, I cannot see
that from the diagram.
I think the logic, transferring from shore to gen, goes like this:
Shore power is on. Contacts 21/22 in K2 are NC so are contacts 15/16
in T1, so A1/A2 coil in K1 is energised which has closed NO contacts
1-6 in K1, supplying power to the multis.
When gen set is started, voltage arrives at timer T1, A2 in K2 and T2.
T1 has a complete circuit and starts. It appears to be a 5 second
timer (5S). When it operates 15/16 T1 opens. This breaks the circuit
and coil A1/A2 in K1 de energises, allowing K1 contacts 1-6 to open
which closes 21/22 K1. When this happens, timer T2 starts - another 5
second timer. When it activates NO contacts 15/18 in T2 close,
completing the coil circuit A1/A1 in K2. The coil energises and
closes NO contacts 1-6 in K2 and opens NC contacts 21/22 in K2,
thereby ensuring safety and separating the 2 sources.
I cannot see where the 60 second delay is - unless T1 is adjusted to
60 seconds. I see no reason that T2 has to have any delay. I think
I can use a DPCO timer relay to activate both T1 and T2 contacts at
the same time - there will be a few 10s of milliseconds delay as coils
de-energise and energise.
Any comments????
Yes, stick to manual switching and avoid the delays.
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