Is this ok? Ganz is Gay!
"Jonathan Ganz" wrote in message
No. I believe that indoctrination over the course of one's life can be
enough to prevent someone from acting intelligently or in their own
best interests. They are not able to think independently. A good
example is a significant portion of the N. Korean population. Either
by fear or religious ferver, they are trapped.
Well most here consider you naive.... but I know you're just Gay. Now what
makes you an expert on N. Korean matters??
No doubt.
Well no doubt it's of little interest to you... it's mostly naked women.
Yes. And, yes. But, apparently, I'm the focus of most of your anger,
as illustrated in your previous statement. You absolutely can not
accept responsibility for your own actions, and this makes you very,
very angry.
My actions are calling you GAY... you're actions are to report me for that.
Then you blame me because you reported me?????? Yeah ..Okay, Shure Gaynz!
Why are you not able to accept responsibility for your own actions?
Most adults seem to be able to do that.
If I punched your lights out... I'd admit to doing so. In this instance you
are stifling my freedom of speech because you disagree with my viewpoint of
your sexual orientation. Do you believe it's "bad" to be gay? Do you think
it was wrong to call Horvath Gay? You did as much for many months and he
didn't report you did he?
I'm glad you find value in BBs posts. Really.
You seem incapable of basic comprehension "Jon".... I don't find any value
in Bill's posts.... and the only reason I bother to reply to yours, is that
you are infatuated with me and cannot allow even one of my posts to escape
scrutiny in case your name is mentioned and you are once again labelled as
Gay! In short .. you are illustrating every indication of being a stalker. I
enjoy watching you twist and writhe in agony at any ripple I cause in the
ASA pond.
Binary Bill is just a worthless asshole..... while you a an Idiotic Nutbar!
BTW - I still think you're as Queer as a Three Dollar Binary Bill!