funny - kinda - story...
Doug Kanter wrote:
"Don White" wrote in message
Don't know about dogs...but guns & cigarettes are on the way out.
Guns: Yeah. Just wait until Jamaican drug dealers pick YOUR town as a nice
place to land with cargo. You'll be writing to your MP begging to get the
laws changed.
Don't quite understand that response. IIRC Don lives in Halifax, a port
town that has a LOT of goods passing through it, including Jamican dope.
(I used to live around there back in the '70's, trust me on this one)
What difference would it make to Don to be armed?
Don't get me wrong. I didn't vote Liberal (I usually do because I like
the Liberal in our riding) in the last election because Paul Martin
promised to ban handguns. Since the Ontario government cancelled the
spring bear hunt six years ago I have rarely gone for a walk in the bush
unarmed (too many hungry bears). I think we have too many gun controls
in this country. I believe, like many Americans, that it is a good idea
to have firearms in case the government and/or police turn against the
people (working in Sri Lanka in the late '80's showed me what could
happen if the population is disarmed and people cannot defend themselves
against police, military, insurgents and rebels).
But how is having a gun is gonna help Don protect himself from Jamican
drug dealers? They generally fight amoungst themselves anyway, the
occasional innocent gets caught in the crossfire (ie, boxing day in
Toronto). But even if that innocent girl had had a gun on her, it
wouldn't have saved her unless the bullet that hit her bounced off said gun.
Excuse me, now I need a cigarette.