funny - kinda - story...
On Wed, 08 Feb 2006 02:30:17 GMT, "Doug Kanter"
"JohnH" wrote in message
.. .
On Wed, 08 Feb 2006 01:28:17 GMT, "Doug Kanter"
"JohnH" wrote in message
On Tue, 07 Feb 2006 19:57:25 GMT, "Doug Kanter"
"Shortwave Sportfishing" wrote in message
and he was well vetted by me - im very good at this having done it for
most of my life.
I'll send you my son for a week and you can vet him, too. Teen nonsense
jour "I don't care what the IRS rules are - I'm not doin' it that way".
(Never mind what "that" is - it doesn't really matter). :-)
Doug, I've spent the past two weeks babysitting a class of 7th Grade
kids after a teacher said she'd had enough. Your kid's a jewel compared
most of that crew. Love him to death!
It's only 2/3 of the way through the year and the math teacher had
What was her problem?
Only half way through, end of second quarter. Her problem was the lack of
support from the principal in helping with discipline of students. Today I
put two kids out of the room and wrote four disciplinary referrals. It
be interesting to see what action the principal takes.
'Til next time,
John H
Something's seriously wrong there, or probably everywhere.
In my senior year, I was taking an AP biology course from the most feared
teacher in the district. Mid-April, I decided I needed a day off. Found my
way into the woods with my girlfriend. Luckily, we still had our pants on.
The teacher left the class with instructions to finish their lab work, found
us in the woods, and literally dragged us by our ears back to class. This
was about 1/4 mile away, behind the school. Got home and found my parents
had been informed by the teacher that I'd be pumping gas for the rest of my
life if this behavior continued (this, with a 97 average). Came to school
the next day and was "invited" to the principal's office. Got to bio class
and found my desk was now in the back row. Ms. Fullerton made sure the stink
followed me for about two weeks.
If I were a teacher now, I'd do exactly the same thing.
Key word - 'parents', plural. At least three of the worst behaved in the
class are from broken homes, all living with mother only.
These kids are from families whose parents have very little interest in
their child's education, for the most part. The mother of one of them *is*
interested, but cannot control her son. He yells at his mother during
parent/teacher conferences.
Of 127 students in this teachers classes, 31 had an 'F' at the end of 2d
Quarter. These kids will *not* be seen in any AP classes!
You deserved what you got. Shame on you!
'Til next time,
John H
***** Have a Spectacular Day! *****