In article n2wGf.183004$km.119747@edtnps89,
Capt.Mooron wrote:
Unlike you.. I stayed at a Holiday Inn last night.
Definitely unlike me.
And, I'm calling you a liar. You can't give up your anger, you can't
accept responsibility for your own actions, so you call me names and
claim I've done something wrong.
Sure I can accept responsibilities...
You have yet to do so. You're a child.
I don't have the authority to prevent you from speaking as you
wish. You would not be capable of "punching my lights out." You are so
filled with rage (probably at your own actions), that you would surely
be unable to land a single blow.
That's correct.... you can impede me temporarily by reporting me to my ISP
like some child in a tantrum.
I never reported you to your ISP for calling me gay. If you claim that
I did, you're either misguided or a liar.
Jon.. I could easily punch your lights out. You're a spineless, weak, little
dork. I would only use the back of my hand... because you don't deserve to
be treated like a man. You're safe as long as you remain out of reach....
but never, ever cross into the Mooron Zone.
Right. I've heard bs before from people bigger and better than
you. They, like you are full of bluster but no substance. I'm safe
because you're a bully, the kind of person I learned how deal with in
2nd grade.
And, I regret doing that. I made an error in judgement, and it was
wrong. We have yet to see any apologies from you. You're much too much
of a big man to admit that you made and continue to make mistakes.
No you don't you ****in' liar! You called Horvath Gay for way longer than
I've called you gay. Horvath would never bother to threaten you you lying
sack of ****! He could care less.
No I don't what? You're starting to rant again. What's your point? I
just said "I regret doing that. I made an error in judgement, and it
was wrong." I don't how to make it more clear. When are you going to
admit that you're wrong and be a man about it?
Yet, you keep responding to my posts, stalking me from post to post,
even when it doesn't involve you directly. This is very mature on your
I only reply to your posts for another opportunity to remind you and
You don't "reply to my posts." You just vent your anger for all the
world to see.
You can't help yourself. You have no ability to do otherwise. Every
time I post, especially lately, you absolutely must post something
you think (deluded as you are) that is offensive.
You haven't bothered to even change the header.... Bwahahahahahahaha!!!
Ok, here you go. $10 Canadian you'll change it to something vile.
Capt. JG @@