"Harry Krause" wrote in message
Bert Robbins wrote:
"Harry Krause" wrote in message
NOYB wrote:
"Harry Krause" wrote in message
jps wrote:
In article . net,
I'll say...
1139634000&en=914abcf6c2b5fc5a&ei=5094&partner=hom epage
What a surprise, eh?
White House Knew of Levee's Failure on Night of Storm
Damn. They should have secured those levees that very night!
It's been an interesting week for those boys in the White House,
what with Brown answering questions and providing copies of emails,
Scooter 'fessing that Dick told him to do it, more revelations about the
potential Presidential law-breaking, sudden announcements about an
alleged three-year-old plan to take out a building in LA, the new House
leader tied more closely to lobbyists than he first admitted, and so
forth and so on.
You have to wonder if they've pegged the hubris meter yet.
What about Harry "give me the check" Reid and his association with
Abramoff? Even without Abramoff Reid is still coated with the stink of
Now you are getting nastily political, Bertie. But thanks for reminding me
about Abramoff...he had some interesting revelations this week about his
relationship with Bush. Oh...any news on the Tom DeLay trial front?
The Reid and Dean refrain of "its' a Republican scandal." is quickly loosing