Fess up guys
On Tue, 14 Feb 2006 18:04:29 -0500, " JimH" jimh_osudad@yahooDOT
comREMOVETHIS wrote:
I am not a big fan of special days the Greeting Card Company's made up,
including Valentines Day and Sweetest Day, but miss Valentines Day and you
may be in hot water.
My wife and I have been married 24 years (come August) and I do not need
these holidays to show her how much I love her....I try to do it everyday.
However I did get her a card and some chocolate covered pretzels (her
favorite) and I got a big hug and kiss for doing so.
Time to confess..........did you remember (if so, what did you get her),
forget or just blow it off (and what was her reaction)?
Dinner and two dozen roses ( picture on abpso). I hate valentines day. I
wish everyone a happy vd experience. The name should be changed to Hallmark
But...you gotta live with her.
'Til next time,
John H
***** Have a Spectacular Day! *****