Kees Verruijt wrote:
chuck wrote:
Larry and Pascal:
Isn't the momentum for DSC and GMDSS being driven by European
requirements? My understanding is that implementation by the UK and
other European coast guard stations is farther along than in the US.
In follow-up, read this:
"The USCG plan to implement GMDSS Sea Area A1 is one element of the USCG
National Distress and Response System Modernization Project, now called
"Rescue 21", which replaces the whole USCG VHF distress system. On 24
September 2002, Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta announced the
award of this $612 million contract to General Dynamics Corp.
Until this system is installed, the Coast Guard cannot reliably receive
VHF DSC distress calls."
Guess 3 1/2 years is not enough time for the US government and General
Dynamics to install radio transmitters with DSC ...