E-Tec problems?? well yes if you want the HP you pay for
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E-Tec problems?? well yes if you want the HP you pay for
Skipper wrote:
Either cite, or post the ENTIRE article.
Why should she, the point was made. And a very good point it was.
One links or posts the entire article because if the point made is a
valid one, the rest of the article will support it. Many people are
skeptical enough that they are unwilling to accept a few sentences,
pulled out of context, as an exact or definitive summation.
People (with a lot less integrity than Ms. Smith) have been known,
sometimes regularly, to use highly selected snippets taken out of
Yes, you occasionally run into some real scoundrels in the boat
business, some with almost no personal integrity at all. I've noticed
that most of these turds got their training in used car sales...if you
know what I mean.
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