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Default E-Tec problems?? well yes if you want the HP you pay for


On 27 Feb 2006 07:51:23 -0800, wrote:

Skipper wrote:

Either cite, or post the ENTIRE article.

Why should she, the point was made. And a very good point it was.


One links or posts the entire article because if the point made is a
valid one, the rest of the article will support it. Many people are
skeptical enough that they are unwilling to accept a few sentences,
pulled out of context, as an exact or definitive summation.

People (with a lot less integrity than Ms. Smith) have been known,
sometimes regularly, to use highly selected snippets taken out of
context. Some of the more malevolent and screwed up among that subset
will blatantly alter the quoted material- even when there is absolutely
*no* hope that they could ever get away undetected. While Karen and I
have a history of disagreeing, I accept without reservation that the
sentences she quoted read exactly the way she reported them.

(It could be that the magazine article was not online, and that typing
the entire article would be tedious and there is no available link. In
that case, the title of the publication and the issue # would be

For an example of linking an entire article, Skipper, if I were to
offer you some advice for your next "cruise" it would be better to
offer you a link to this article:

than to post a few sentences or even a paragraph taken out of context.
See what I mean?

'Til next time,

John H

***** Have a Spectacular Day! *****