Capt. Rob wrote:
Heart of Gold
No, it's not from the song...good song though.
No, it's no reflection cast by my own black lump of coal thudding away
in my manly chest.
No, it's not named for any other sailing vessel of envied reputation.
It is in fact named for the ship, Heart of Gold featured in
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. My boat was one of three Beneteau 1st
35s5's specially fitted with Infinite Improbability Drive. Folks, like
poor Joe and Bart, who don't read and lack imagination, got it 100%
wrong as usual.
To learn more about this advanced system read he
On her port and starboard is the name "Heart of Gold" and on her stern
above the enviable swim platform is the IID emblem.
As a bit of trivia, the bridge of the Starship Enterprise has a button
labeled "Infinite Improbablity Drive" though no one ever dared to
engage it while underway!
Pictures to be posted when I return in about 5 weeks. Face facts,
losers of Alt.Sailing.asa...even the name of my boat shows more
imagination than most of you have had in your entire lubberly lives!
Capt. RB
35s5 "Heart of Gold"
All it shows is that your boat, like the book you named it from, is
pure fictopn...