term correction
On 9 Mar 2006 06:22:26 -0800, "basskisser" wrote:
DSK wrote:
basskisser wrote:
list3 ( P ) Pronunciation Key (lst)
An inclination to one side, as of a ship; a tilt.
dumbass (P) Pronunciation Key (dumm-ass)
n. a stupid person; one who repeats incorrect information
Your childish name calling does nothing positive for your credibility.
Please show how you've garnered more knowledge about the English
language than the scholars who work on various dictionaries.
The above first one was from dictionary.com
This is from Merriam Webster:
Function: noun
Etymology: origin unknown
: a deviation from the vertical : TILT; also : the extent of such a
This from Cambridge Dictionary online:
list (LEAN) Show phonetics
verb [i]
(of a ship) to lean to one side, particularly as a result of damage:
The tanker is listing badly and liable to sink at any moment.
From Microsoft Encarta:
list [ list ]
transitive and intransitive verb (past and past participle list·ed,
present participle list·ing, 3rd person present singular lists)
lean to one side: to lean to one side, or make a ship lean to one side
sideways tilt: an inclination to one side, especially one developed by
a ship
[Mid-17th century. Origin ?]
so I guess that you are saying that of all the scholars and others who
have used this term since the 1600's are wrong, and you are the only
person in the universe that is right!??????
I believe he was contrasting the use of 'heel' with 'list'. Both could be
considered a 'lean' as far as a change from the vertical is concerned. In
my usage, 'heel' would be more appropriate as I was referring to a lean
caused by the wind, as opposed to the balance of the vessel itself.
Main Entry: 3heel
Function: verb
Etymology: alteration of Middle English heelden, from Old English hieldan;
akin to Old High German hald inclined, Lithuanian salis side, region
intransitive senses : to lean to one side : TIP; especially of a boat or
ship : to lean temporarily (as from the action of wind or waves) -- compare
transitive senses : to cause (a boat) to heel
This is most definitely 'semantics' at it's finest! I did not want to start
a flame war with my comment, and my apologies go out to all.
'Til next time,
John H
***** Have a Spectacular Day! *****