Got a wi-fi question...
While on vacation in Phoenix, last fall, I was able to catch WiFi hotspots
near some businesses, and also the RV park I was in. If they were
unsecured, I would use them to access the net. However, in this weeks
Rockford, IL. newspaper, there was a story that goes like this: A cop
driving through a parking lot and observed a man sitting in a car. Got
closer and sees that he's using a laptop. Gets out to investigate and
the man is accessing the net on the unsecured WiFi of a not for profit
organization in the nearby building. End result..the man gets arrested
using the WiFi without permission..pays a $250 fine. No jail time but
supposedly there is the option of up to 6 months of jail time. The paper
says this is similar to the theft of services you can get nailed with if
use a descrambler on your dish or cable.
Where is the law that was applied to this? Under what statute?