Tide Information
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Tide Information
can anyone please tell me how to interpret the tide information?
For my area for today I get the following information
Time Ht
0049 0.33
0709 1.86
1338 0.15
1945 1.64
The figure of .33 m at low tide means what? 33cm at some point
somewhere? I'm sure it's a dumb question but it's got me stumped...
That's 33cm above MLW in most tide charts. Mean low water = (roughly)
average low or
"zero tide".
IOW, if the water at coordinates X and Y was ordinarily 10 m deep at
MLW, it would be
10.33 m deep at 11 minutes to 1 AM on that day. At nine minutes after 7
Am the water would be 11.86m deep.
You can also have "minus tides." Using the same spot that is 10 m deep
at "O" tide, it would only be 9m deep at a -1.0 tide.
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