Ping: Shortwave
"Wayne.B" wrote in message
On Wed, 29 Mar 2006 01:34:19 GMT, Shortwave Sportfishing
I mean Wirenut - gotta get that right - Wirenut.
So we're all sched'ing tomorrow on 27.365 MHz USB ?
What time? Conditions are marginal right now.
It's probably going to have to be skip, and I may be too close by then. I
am surprised though ... The last time I tried CB stuff, the atmospherics
were such that all you heard was noise on channel 19 everywhere during the
day. This was back in the late '70's. Right now, out here at least, channel
19 has some noise, but nothing like it used to be. I can hear truckers
clearly 5-10 miles away.
I recall channel 36 (27.365MHz ) and a couple of others used to be used by
the SSB crowd, so I figured that would be a good one to try. I'll give a
holler and a long count for tuning at 8 pm your time, if that's ok.
I have to confess. When I got out of the Navy in 1977, CB was the rage and
I happened to have a Radio Shack base unit with SB that was ripe for
modifications, which I did. It was peaked to 40 watts (from 12)
PEP, and had a magic "button" that allowed 40 more unauthorized frequencies.
I often talked to a friend stationed in Italy with it, early in the morning
from my house in MA.
I have to check the radio that was left in Mrs.E's GB. It's a marine HF SSB
something .... I forget, but I think it has all the Ham Bands.