Ping: Shortwave
"Shortwave Sportfishing" wrote in message
On Wed, 29 Mar 2006 05:20:10 -0500, "RCE" wrote:
I have to check the radio that was left in Mrs.E's GB. It's a marine HF
something .... I forget, but I think it has all the Ham Bands.
Get your ham license - you've got the electronics background and the
code requirement is - well, non-existent anymore. You learn the code
you have the speed requirement nailed.
Problem would be setting up an antenna. Might not go over well with you know
I am also a little leery. The cupola on our house has been hit by lightning
twice in the past 5 years.
It's grounded to the house electrical ground plane .... two, 8 foot copper
stakes in the basement beside the power panels. The last time it was hit a
couple of years ago the whole driveway in front of the garage snapped and
crackled for several seconds after the hit. No damage, but we seem to be
prone to lightning strikes.
I suppose I could just set up the HF antenna on her boat and use it from