Please folks
Have some sympathy for those of us who fight tendonitis from doing too
much computer work while trying to get our boats back in the water.
Having to scroll down through one or two pages of stuff we've already
read on each and every message in a long thread gets really irksome.
It's expecially aggravating when all you find at the bottom is a one
line smart ass coment instead of something useful.
Did you know that, if you click the mouse, hold down the shift key and
scroll down, pressing "Delete" will make all that stuff disappear?
The minor inconvienience of occasionally having to go back up the
thread to figure out what the person meant is nothing compared to the
drudgery of scrolling down over, and over, and over.
Every once in a while some newsgroup nazi will come out screaming
about "Top Posting" but, the way these groups are used today, it makes
sense. If you must leave everything that came before, do it. The
reader can immediately read the smart ass comment at the top. If it
doesn't make sense, they can then skip down to find the context.
When the context is necessary or you want to make clear which point
you are responding to, cut and past just the "Pighead wrote:" and the
relevant point to the top and then respond.
I'm not trying to be a newsgroup nazi here myself. I would just like
to be able to read all your insightful and incredibly knowledgable
posting while preserving enough wrist function to be able to go out
and sand all the bottom paint on my 32 foot boat.
Roger Long