New vehicle confusion...
RG wrote:
How much did it cost you to spray your bed?
$389 USD plus tax. Ford F250 short bed. Done December 2004 on current
$289 USD plus tax. Same model truck. Done October 1999 on previous truck.
Both done by the same Line-X dealer. I was a bit taken aback by the
percentage increase for the second job, but I was so pleased with the five
years spent with the first job that I never considered not doing it. Both
were done in the first week of ownership of each truck. Maybe others will
chime in here with their experiences, but I am way serious about how good a
product this stuff is. There are other brands beside Line-X, but that's the
one I have experience with, and I'm sold on it. At least check into it,
Don. You owe it to yourself and your new truck.
Checked their website for dealers. Looks like they have none in the
Maritimes. Website says they are looking for franchises.
Could be a good little venture for a bored young retiree.