wrote in message
C. Gull wrote:
Yes - it's true.
I'm going back to work.
Work - what an ugly word - it's a four letter word in fact.
Work - you mean people actually do this?
Good lord. :)
The secret to working happiness: Do something for a living that you
enjoy so much that you would do it even if you weren't being paid.
Don't settle for anything less, or feel pressured to
take some miserable, stressful job simply because it might pay you more
money. Money is as common as dirt- everybody has some, and no matter
how much they have most people think they don't have enough. How much
money you have in your pocket or in the bank doesn't determine the
quality of your life. How you spend your time?-That's different, and it
That is right Chuck. So send me whatever money you don't want. You
already have my address.
It is a win/win as the more you send me, the happier we will both be. ;-)