New Jersey operator licensing
Let me see if I have this right ;;; you think the government should require
us to get a license to sail our boats.
The same government that can't control the borders, that allows illegal
tresspassing into our county by people from some **** ass crap hole like
That government is now going to tell us how to sail our boats!
F..k this ,,,, New Jersey is a ********. A corrupt ********.
Anyone who thinks that sailors need licenses it NUTS! F'king NUTS.
You need to go back up in that airplane. This time bring some oxygen with
"Roger Long" wrote in message
Interesting thread on the Wooden Boat Magazine forum about New Jersey
being one of the first states to establish licensing for recreational boat
operators. I haven't tried to parse it to carefully (can't think of any
reason I would ever go to New Jersey, let alone stay there the triggering
90 days) but it sounds like it could apply to non residents or someone
passing through (slowly).
Has anyone here been tracking this? NJ boat dealers must be having cows
and kittens all at the same time.
As a just (self) grounded private pilot, it does seem strange to go out
and do something that involves just as much responsibility and requires
just as much skill (at least to do safely) with out all the training and
oversight involved in flying aircraft. Boat licensing is probably overdue
but I still hate to see it coming up over the horizon.
Roger Long